Time Redux

Wow, more than a month has gone by since I last posted. Doesn't time fly! All this has got me thinking about the subject of time again, so I’ll be spending the next few posts back on the subject. Let’s start by looking at some of the scientific views on time. How fast...

One Step at a Time

Lao Tzu tells us that every journey of 1000 miles begins with but a single step. This is of course true of every journey that we take. But have you ever considered that, having taken the first step, the rest of the journey still has to be made? This means that the...

Service Thinking

If you are British or watch British television, you may have seen the advertisement for car insurance where the actor talks about “Three Things; service, service, service!” When I first saw it, I realised that service thinking has been on the decline for years....

Using More of Our Brains — or Maybe Not!

We’ve all talked about using more of our brains. After all that’s what personal growth and self-development is all about, isn’t it? Depending on who you talk to, you'll hear that we use between 1% and 10% of the total capacity of our brains. The theory is, if we could...

Passion, Obsession and Letting Go

We have all used the word “passion” at one time or another to indicate something we are truly and deeply involved with. I’ve often done the same thing myself; I’m passionate about writing and teaching. However, have you ever realised that passion is often associated...