The latest researches in Quantum Theory show that the world is not quite as simple as we like to think.

First of all, it appears that the so-called superposition of states doesn’t just apply to the microscopic and atomic levels, but also at the macroscopic levels we see and experience every day. This is the weird situation where a particle such as an electron can exist in different places, moving in different directions, and having different energies, all at precisely the same time, each with a likelihood determined by a probability equation. It continues in this condition until something happens to cause it to select one of those states, such as being measured by an experiment in the laboratory or encountering another particle. At this point, the “selected” state is the only one that has any “real” existence. However, as soon as we stop “looking” at it, it starts to split up into various probabilities again, in effect becoming fuzzy and smeared over a volume in space-time again. There is a finite but tiny probability that an electron in your fingernail may suddenly disappear from there, and reappear at the end of my fingernail. Or in the Andromeda galaxy. It’s unbelievably unlikely, but it’s possible.

One view of this superposition of states is the Many Worlds Interpretation. This assumes that each of the states actually represents a different universe. When we observe one of these states to be “real”, it means that we exist in the universe in which it is real. All of the other states are in other universes that contain other versions of ourselves, each of which observes a different state. Strange as this may sound, it may be an explanation for reality, because quantum computers can only function if there are infinite worlds in which computations take place, and we know that quantum computers work!

When taken to the logical conclusion, this means that the whole Universe is nothing more than a collection of superpositions of states, each of which may exist as a separate universe of its own. A growing body of evidence exists that this is precisely the situation in which we find ourselves.

Secondly, there is the condition of entanglement. Ironically, this was a test that Einstein proposed in an attempt to disprove quantum mechanics, as it was called at the time. In essence, the test is very simple: two photons (light particles) are emitted at the same time from the same atom, but moving in opposite directions. Because of their simultaneous creation, they are entangled with one another, i.e. they are connected. According to Einstein's Special Theory of Relativity, because they are both travelling at the speed of light, there is no possibility of their being able to communicate with one another. This would mean that they would need to be able to exchange information at twice the speed of light, which is impossible. Nevertheless, if you do something to one of the photons, such as change the direction of polarisation, the other one will instantaneously be changed as well. At this point, the particles are said to de-cohere, so that they no longer seem to be connected.

Many more tests have been made using different properties of particles such as neutrons and even whole atoms, all of which prove entanglement is a very real phenomenon. Some even seem to show that changing any particle in the universe forces every other particle to change in some way, no matter how far away; i.e. all particles are entangled with one another, all the time.

For this to happen means that the phenomenon of non-locality is true; Einstein called this “spooky action at a distance”. In other words, causes can have instantaneous effects that are very far away. So far, in fact, that light may take long periods to travel across the separation, perhaps even years. When combined with the Many Worlds Interpretation, this non-locality must be inter-universal.

What does all this have to do with personal growth?

  1. If this universal entanglement is indeed the true state of affairs, it could provide an explanation for the Law of Attraction. Since thoughts take place in the human mind and brain, they must be quantum phenomena, by definition. If I change the quantum energies in my brain, they force a change in all the quantum fields in the universe. Since energies tend to resonate with one another, if I think of something, I am able to cause it to occur.
  2. If there are infinite universes, it should, in principle, be possible to select which one I inhabit. This is another explanation for the Law of Attraction. Instead of attracting something to me, I navigate through the universes to find the one in which I have it.
  3. Universal entanglement also means that we are connected to one another. If one person suffers, it changes their quantum fields, which in turn alter mine. This is probably one of the best reasons for universal charity there can be. If someone suffers, I must also suffer; by ameliorating some else’s pain, I am reducing my own.
  4. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, it means that the quantum fields that represent me must, in some way, be eternal. Is this the soul?

I have talked about immortality and multiple universes in other posts. The more I think about the implications of quantum theory, the more complicated, strange and beautiful the Universe becomes.

The universe is not only queerer than we imagine, it’s queerer than we can imagine.

J.B.S. Haldane, British biologist

Perhaps we are not moving from the Information Age into the Knowledge Age, as I have postulated before, but actually into a Quantum Age. Which will be even stranger than we can imagine.

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