
Earlier today, I was just watching a program on daytime TV called The Wright Stuff (Channel 5, UK), which airs between 9:15 and 11:10, Monday to Friday. It’s a discussion program with a host and a panel of three guests who talk about what’s in the news. One of the...

My Paperback Book is Here!

Phew! I’ve finally got the paperback version of my book finished, uploaded and active on Amazon! I tell you, there is nothing quite like the feeling of holding a copy of your own book in your hand, the child of your own mind. It’s wonderful! It was nowhere as easy as...

eBook is here!

Unbelievable but true. My eBook is live! I started the upload process in the afternoon, and it was live by late evening. Must have been a slow day at Amazon. Or their efficiency is even greater than I thought. If you’re interested in buying copy, search for “Stephen...

Ask and You Shall Receive

Most of us have heard or read this biblical quotation at some time in our lives. You have to ask God, the universe, and other people for what you want, or no one will know that you want it. In the last few days it has been brought home to me with incredible force. As...

Pomodoro? Caprese? Coffee!

Have you come across The Pomodoro Technique [unsolicited plug]? It’s a method of dividing up your work time, to ensure that you work in a concentrated manner in short bursts. Basically, you set a timer for 25 minutes, a period the author calls a “pomodoro”. You then...