Using More of Our Brains — or Maybe Not!

We’ve all talked about using more of our brains. After all that’s what personal growth and self-development is all about, isn’t it? Depending on who you talk to, you'll hear that we use between 1% and 10% of the total capacity of our brains. The theory is, if we could...

Passion, Obsession and Letting Go

We have all used the word “passion” at one time or another to indicate something we are truly and deeply involved with. I’ve often done the same thing myself; I’m passionate about writing and teaching. However, have you ever realised that passion is often associated...

Ask and You Shall Receive

Most of us have heard or read this biblical quotation at some time in our lives. You have to ask God, the universe, and other people for what you want, or no one will know that you want it. In the last few days it has been brought home to me with incredible force. As...

Needs, Wants, Choices, Having

Another night, another niggle. Last night I was thinking about the previous post I made, and the differences between needs and wants. Needs are the things we need to survive, especially at a physical level. This view is based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, where...

Altruism vs Self-Interest

Something I said near the end of my previous post has been sticking in my mind and niggling me. I talked then about having a particular dream in life for selfish reasons, which led me to consider both selfishness and self-interest. Both these terms have come in for a...